Praise report
Praise report for family friends that was in a car accident yesterday. They are all doing well at this time. Released from hospital. Thank you for your prayers!
God’s blessings to all the prayer warriors for 2022!
Praise report:
I have a dear friend who’s Husband was falsely accused of something he would never do. She came to me broken hearted and didn’t know what to do. There was a court date set and she would have to take the witness stand. She asked for prayer. I told her not to worry, we will pray every day and ask Jesus to shine the light on the truth and he WILL! If you need to take the witness stand , he will walk beside you ,shining bright light on the truth.
The day of the court hearing , she called and told me once they all got settled inside the court room that the Judge announced that all charges had been dropped .
Praise the LORD!! Prayer works!!
We have a faithful, loving father who is always available to listen and answer our prayers !
Praise report
Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness! My daughter had her baby. They are both healthy and blessed!
God blessings to all!
Praise Report:
I was brought up as a fighter, boxing and mixed martial arts, I was taught that a real man handle things with his fist. Not knowing our Lord or never going to church, I was all about the ways of the world.
After meeting a new friend that was a bodybuilder and a fighter, we started skydiving every Saturday for about a year, needless to say I got to know him very well 
( he was a good fighter ) I thought this guy was a true tough guy..
He one day ask me if I wanted to go to church with him, I was shocked & thought to myself if this guy can love the Lord ( being a tough guy ) then I could love the Lord.
I went, and at the alter call I gave myself to the Lord, after a lot of people praying for me, God has transformed my life… 
I’ve since realized a true tough guy doesn’t use his fist..
Meek, Jesus was a perfect example of Meekness ( power under control )
Thank you God for opening my eyes and changing ( sanctifying me ) my life.
Thank you for praying for me.
Praise Report:
When I was 15 years old I got caught up in drugs and stayed in my addiction until just after my 21st birthday! My brother had been working on me after he had cleaned himself up and began his walk with Christ… {He was known as Jesus Freak} He picked me up for the weekend and never went back after he took me to church with him, had everyone praying for me and got me into a recovery center (Whiteside Manor for women) Here is where my relationship and my life transformed with Christ!!!! Jesus delivered me from my addiction to the point of 20 years later, I was tested! I was in a relationship where drugs were in my face almost daily and still had no desire to pick up and use, instead I disposed of it when I came across it. This is because of Jesus’s miracle in my life!!! The thought crossed my mind a few times and Jesus reminded me of all the work we accomplished and everything I would lose. To him I owe my life…..!!!!♥️🙏🏼
Praise Report:
Being a former Supercross Racer I’ve had lots of crashes and hospital time, on one occasion I had cased a triple jump ( about a 70 foot jump ) and had a really bad landing, I was rushed to the hospital from the race track. Thank God people went to prayer. I was told I tore my ACL and my MCL in my right knee and had a compound fracture in my right arm as well as a punctured lung, and I might not be able to run or ever ride dirt bikes ever again. After six weeks in the hospital and six months in physical therapy, I’m happy to say I’m healthier than before and have had many more years of racing under my belt. Thank you all who have prayed for me.
Praise report:
God delivered my son back to me. He was caught up in a world of drugs and homelessness. Rehabs didn’t work. I shared his story, I asked for prayer. The power of prayer from people all over the world delivered my son home. God heard these prayers. My son is safe, sober for 2 years and I know without a doubt, prayer worked, God answered. He always does. Amen.
Praise report:
God is alive and well in the youth of our Church
Praise report:
God has blessed me with the most amazing wife. One that treats me with love and respect and honors God with all her heart, she is the most amazing lady I’ve ever seen in my life. I am blessed to be married to her.
Praise Report:
My brother has had a drug addiction for many years, I had been praying for him for about five years, every time I would lift him up in prayer at church the Lord would prompt him to call me crying out for help.
Finally the Lord has softened his heart and he started attending church and gave us life to the Lord
Praise Report:
While we were in Bible study somebody had called on the phone and had a friend that was being rushed in for surgery as their appendix ruptured, we all got in a circle and lifted him up in prayer. At the end of our Bible study we received another phone call, stating that as a surgeon went in to repair the appendix, there was nothing ruptured or wrong, he was healed. 
Praise Report:
Original Prayer Request
My daughter Katrina is undergoing her 20th abdominal surgery. She has a herniated stoma that connects to her Koch pouch. There is a chance that if all does not go well she will have to be placed on a feeding tube for he rest of her life. Please pray that all goes well and there will be no feeding tube. God bless
Praise Report:
My daughter just got out of surgery, and the doctors could not believe that when they went into my daughters stomach there was a lot less work there that needed to be done, they did not need to restructure her small intestine at all, they were just able to put some mesh in her stomach to support her stomach lining walls and do some other minor repairs, the doctor said they were so amazed that she will actually be able to go home tomorrow, only one day in the hospital.

Praise Report:
My dog got hit by a car and we had to rush him to an emergency vet hospital, because it was after hrs ( my vet was closed ) the animal hospital had to run some X-rays .
The Dr came out and told me my dog had severe swelling on his brain, as well as spinal cord damage and would never walk again… So we laid hands on my dog and prayed for him to be healed, God laid it on my heart that he would be healed and walk again. So they took my dog in the back, the vet told me, they had to give my dog some steroids to get the swelling down on his brain, the vet also stated he wouldn’t be able to do any surgery Intel the swelling went down on his brain. So we went home and went to prayer… The next day the vet had called and asked if I could come down to the animal hospital because my dog was up walking around. God not only healed him, but allowed him to come after just being at the hospital for only a two day stay. God is amazing. Thank you Jesus & all who prayed for him
Lifting your prayers up around the world